So I'm sitting at a front desk in South Hall working the 12:00am-8:00am graveyard shift. I'm pretty bored. My only entertainment has been a 2 hour video chat with Rory, she's an extremely boring person. Anyway, I was just wondering where all the blog posts went. I mean, there used to be a stream of a few posts a week overall, and now, it's just Santera and my mom writing new stuff. People twitter a lot and stuff, but I was a really big fan of the blogs.
Flashback Friday
It's still basketball season so I thought I'd post a basketball picture.
This is from January of 2007, which was Peter's senior year of high school.
He w...
For Those Whose Blogs I Used to Read
I smoked in the rain, under an awning, after I spent another day immersed
in the sciences that have awed and befuddled me for four days. Sciences and
I Will Get Back to Writing Again
Yes. I will get back to this blog soon. Like tomorrow. Hopefully. Been too
long, and now I am beyond bored. Writing a ton seems like a good idea even
if it...
So, about this Obama guy...
We have a new president. That's awesome, no doubt.
In many ways, I'm excited.
I'm looking forward to the future in many ways. Hopefully, we are going to ...
I cried today.
Yep. I cried.
Lily started talking about the how big this election was, and first I had
goosebumps shoot down my spine, the back of my neck kinda tightened...