I just remembered what an awesome movie Field of Dreams was.
"The one constant through all the years Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steam rollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again. People will come Ray, people will most definitely come."
Flashback Friday
It's still basketball season so I thought I'd post a basketball picture.
This is from January of 2007, which was Peter's senior year of high school.
He w...
For Those Whose Blogs I Used to Read
I smoked in the rain, under an awning, after I spent another day immersed
in the sciences that have awed and befuddled me for four days. Sciences and
I Will Get Back to Writing Again
Yes. I will get back to this blog soon. Like tomorrow. Hopefully. Been too
long, and now I am beyond bored. Writing a ton seems like a good idea even
if it...
So, about this Obama guy...
We have a new president. That's awesome, no doubt.
In many ways, I'm excited.
I'm looking forward to the future in many ways. Hopefully, we are going to ...
I cried today.
Yep. I cried.
Lily started talking about the how big this election was, and first I had
goosebumps shoot down my spine, the back of my neck kinda tightened...
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